
Pompeii Commitment. Archaeological Matters

Organized and financed by

Archaeological Park of Pompeii 

General Director
Gabriel Zuchtriegel

Silvia Martina Bertesago

Director’s Office
Ernesta Rizzo
Clelia Mazza

Administration Officer
Davide Russo

Press Office, Web & Social
Marella Brunetto

Fundraising Office
Maria Rispoli

Photography Archive
Giuseppe Scarpati

Silvia Martina Bertesago

Archaeological Storerooms
Stefania Giudice

Applied Research Laboratory
Valeria Amoretti

Scientific and Organizational Support
Anna Civale

Legal Support
Domenico Costabile


Project partner


Pompeii Commitment. Archaeological Matters

Massimo Osanna
Andrea Viliani

Scientific Curating
Andrea Viliani

Epistemological, Curatorial, Editorial Project and Maintenance
Stella Bottai
Laura Mariano
Caterina Avataneo

Editorial Coordination
Silvana Editoriale

Press Office
PCM Studio

Visual Identity, Logo and Web Design


Thanks to
All the artists, activists, curators, and writers, authors of the Commitments.
All the officers and collaborators of the Archaeological Park of Pompeii  who authored the Fabulae and assisted the artists’ research.
All the friends and collaborators of Pompeii Commitment.
The officers and staff of the Library, Photographic Archive and Archaeological Storerooms of the Archaeological Park of Pompeii, for their collaboration through the different research phases.
Giuseppe Barbella, Antonio Benforte, Tiziana Garofalo, Ilaria Improta​ (A.L.E.S.).
Marco Giglio (Università degli Studi di Napoli L’Orientale).
Front-of-house, fruition e surveillance staff.



Partners Committee

Nicoletta Fiorucci Foundation (Team Partner)
Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo (Team Partner)



For further information on Pompeii Commitment. Archaeological Matters and image requests, please contact:
Press Office – Pompeii Commitment. Archaeological Matters
PCM Studio di Paola C. Manfredi
Via Farini 70 | 20159 Milano |
Francesca Ceriani |  T. + 39 340 9182004